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Personal data processing

The Law Offices of Bányaiová Vožehová, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, registered seat: Lazarská 13/8, Postal Code: 120 00, Prague 2, Identification Number: 24682098 (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), protects all personal data processed by it as strictly confidential and treats such data in compliance with valid legal regulations applicable in the sphere of personal data protection. The safety of your personal data is a priority for us. In compliance with the General Directive on Personal Data Protection (EU 2016/679), the Company is a joint data controller of your personal information, i.e., the Company collects, records and uses (and otherwise processes) your personal data for purposes of pursuing its business activities which consist primarily in the provision of legal services and associated advisory services in the sphere of law and business, including the organization of professional seminars, workshops, lectures and social events.

These rules of personal data processing apply to: (i) personal data processing performed by the Company in the course of your use of our web pages, (ii) personal data processing performed by the Company in the course of communication with you, whether through e-mail or over the phone, (iii) personal data processing performed by the Company during the term of a business relationship with clients and suppliers, (iv) processing of personal data in the course of the Company discharging its legal obligations, and (v) personal data processing that is necessary for protection of the Company’s justified interests.


The Company may process your personal information for the following purposes:

(a) Pursuit of the advocacy profession in practice and in relations with other contractual partners;

(b) Discharge of legal obligations (in particular, without limitation, obligations stipulated by tax and accounting legislation; due keeping of the attorney’s client file, including the relevant e-mail correspondence, a list of contacts and services provided);

(c) Protection of the justified interests of the data controller (for example, identification of persons appearing at the Company’s reception desk premises, identification of the client pursuant to Act No. 85/1996 Collection of Laws (Sb.), on Advocacy, and Act No. 253/2008 Collection of Laws (Sb.), on Certain Measures Against Legalization of Yields From Criminal Activities);

(d) Protection of justified interests of third parties (in particular, without limitation, clients) in compliance with rules applicable to the advocacy profession; and

(e) Responding to requests received through electronic forms (in particular in case you are applying for a job with the Company, or in case of any other contact we may have through our web pages).


2.1 We process personal information to the following extent:

(a) Name and surname;

(b) Contact address;

(c) E-mail address;

(d) Telephone number;

(e) Bank account number and other transactional information;

(f) Identification Number, Tax Identification Number;

(g) Personal Birth Number;

(h) Date of birth; and

(i) Any other information relating to the client or third parties.

2.2 Personal data are processed by the Company both manually and in an automated manner. Automated processing of personal data takes place for the purposes of fulfillment of the contractual relationship and offering services.

2.3 The Company is authorized to collect, keep (retain) and use certain information through automated devices, for example, using a statistical counter of approaches whenever you visit our web pages.


3.1 If you give the Company consent to personal data processing for the purposes of distribution of personalized marketing communications (such cases may also include profiling) or for the purposes of addressing you with offers of services and products of the Company’s business partners, whether via e-mail or telephonically, you acknowledge and agree that granting such consent is voluntary and that you may revoke your consent at any time by sending a written notice to the Company’s address or by contacting the Company through a link provided in any e-mail message containing business communication. Consent is granted until revocation. Not granting consent shall not affect performance under contract.


4.1 The Company discloses your personal data only to authorized employees and cooperating attorneys, to individual contractually-engaged data processing entities, or, as the case may be, to other data controllers, and at all times said data shall be disclosed to the extent required for fulfillment of the respective purpose of processing and based on the corresponding legal grounds concerning personal data processing.

4.2 In cases stipulated by law, the Company has the right to, or, as the case may be, is obligated to transfer some personal data based on applicable legal regulations, for example, to authorities prosecuting criminal activities or to other public administration bodies.


5.1 We process and keep (retain) your personal information for the period absolutely necessary in order to secure all rights and obligations ensuing from the relevant contractual relationship, and further during a time for which the Company, in its capacity as a data controller, is obligated to keep (retain) personal data, or for a time for which you grant your consent to the Company for data processing.


6.1 In relation to data processing, the data entity has rights ensuing from applicable legal regulations. The data entity may exercise such rights any time. The rights include: (i) the right to access the personal data, (ii) the right to have any incorrect information rectified and any incomplete information supplemented, (iii) the right to deletion of personal data in case the information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected or otherwise processed, and/or in case it is established that the personal data were processed in violation of the law, (iv) the right to restrict the personal data processing, (v) the right to transferability of personal data, (vi) the right to raise an objection after which the personal data processing will be halted, unless it is ascertained that there are serious, justified reasons for data processing which prevail over the interests or rights and freedoms of the data entity, in particular, without limitation, if the underlying reason is the possible enforcement of legal claims, and (vii) the right to contact the Office for Protection of Personal Data.

6.2 In case of repeated or clearly unreasonable requests for exercise of the above rights, we will be entitled to charge an adequate fee for the satisfaction of your request (the exercise of your rights), or we may refuse to satisfy your request. In such cases we will inform you out of our decision.

AN IMPORTANT NOTICE: With respect to the specific nature of activities performed by the Company (the advocacy profession), the exercise of some rights pertaining to data entities may be significantly restricted (in particular, without limitation, as regards processing of personal data in relation to specific legal cases).


The right to deletion cannot be successfully claimed when further processing of your personal data is necessary for the purposes of:

(a) our discharging our legal obligations,

(b) archiving, scientific or historical research, or statistics; or

(c) ascertaining, exercising or defending our legal claims.

For more information about personal data processing, please contact us via e-mail at lawoffice@bvlaw.cz, or in writing at Bányaiová Vožehová, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, Lazarská 13/8, 120 00 Prague 2.

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