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We have a brief newsletter on whistleblowing for you so you can check what´s in this hot topic for you. Newsletter WHISTLEBLOWING 2023_EN

Our team

We are happy to welcome new membes of our legal team, Míša Krajíčková and Livia Kuľhová. Míša will help our clients with corporate law, acquisitions and any legal issues they may have regarding sports. Livia joined our criminal law and compliance team and will support our clients with civil litigations

Obchodně právní revue – brief on COVID legislation

Legal journal Obchodněprávní revue liked our brief on COVID legislation and published it their last journal: https://www.beck-online.cz/bo/chapterview-document.seam?documentId=nrptembsgbpw64s7gjpxgxzrgm3q&groupIndex=9&rowIndex=0 Pokud nemáte přístup na beckonline, rádi Vám poskytneme veškeré podrobnosti.

Obchodněprávní revue – recent SJEU case law

Our colleagues Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová and Zuzana Kulhánková commented some recent SJEU case law for legal journal Obchodněprávní revue: https://www.beck-online.cz/bo/document-view.seam?documentId=njptembsgbpw64s7gjpxgxzrgq4q https://www.beck-online.cz/bo/document-view.seam?documentId=njptembsgbpw64s7gjpxgxzrgq4a&groupIndex=18&rowIndex=0 Those of you who do not have beckonline and/or are not Czech speakers, let us know, happy to give you more detail.


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